Tag Archives: preform

How to precast?

4 Sep

On this blog I talk a lot about specifics and give you links to books, but recently I was told that we give out too much information and that it was too much to take in.

So where to start? Well… Yup a booklet… Setting up a precast yard, is a good place as any, it sets out what you need, from there you can then get into specifics. You can see the booklets here.

Here is an extract – its only short, but it gives you an idea:

What will I need?

Precast yards depending on their size and the production capabilities need a variety of products.

First of all, ask yourself what is it that I want to produce?
The precast industry has a huge range of different products, and deciding which one is suitable for your market is an important question to ask before considering all the options. Precast concrete can mean ornamental (gnomes etc) or paving, fencing, bridges, architectural concrete etc.

Once you have decided on the products that you want to produce, say fencing or paving as these are a staple of the precast world, then you need to work out how you are going to produce these. For this you need to take into consideration:
· Space
· Moulds
· Mix
· Machinery
· Men
· Review
Space: Do you have the space needed to set up your precast works? I’ve known huge sites that are the size of 10 football pitches, and I’ve know yards that would fit in your front room.
The key things to consider when choosing a yard is; Will you fit all your machinery, moulds and you need in your yard, and will you be able to store your products.


There are loads of booklets all on precast concrete, if you are precasting, take a look, at http://www.armcon-online.com/pre-cast-user-guides/ or get in contact, its always good to hear from you – online@armcon.com